Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adventures Pay Off

Most of my time in SL is split between exploring SL and building. I spend hours and hours folling leads I find form one place to another, catologing the information I discover. One of those leads took me to marketplace to check on something and I find a HUD that pays you to visit the locations put in it. Now I know what these are for. Mostly to raise traffic. But I thought what the heck, could give me some good material and make a few lindens. Not that I am desperate for the money but why not since I travel all over the grid anyway.
I'll try it out and let you know if its any good.
First destination, Vanilla's paradise. Typical shopping mall with some lucky chairs and MM board.
Vaxet has some nice medeival, fetish and RP  clothes. Lotus Noir has nice men's clothes. The main attraction is the Miss Jewell store. Lots of styles here from vamp to bdsm. The clothes are vibrant and detailed. There's some mens clothes mixed in here too. There's a low target MM board upstairs as well.
Fum RP shopping destination.

Next the Hud sent me to a horse farm. It appears I did not get paid the 2L for my last destination, but I may have done something wrong because this time it tells me a different messege that I will get paid 2L after being here 2 min. And as promised I was just sent 2L.
I have been out of  Amaretto horses for awhile now so I dont know whats what anymore. But this looks like a pretty big farm. Lots of new things I didnt get to see. Brindles, braided manes, and something called the  Mecklenburger. Looks like highly traited horses and reasonable horse. I am leaving before I am tempted!
 As I walk out the door I see soemthing called Gaia eggs. I better leave before I see what this breedable is.

There's an old west town across the way from the barn with some shopps too. Looks like a fun place to investigate, but I have a concert to get to. Avantgarde Frequency is playing at the Bonaire Grotto Club again and I need to sit and do nothing for a little while to get myself geered up for my new asian water garden build.

Link for the HUD. And not all are 2L for 2 min, btw. Some are 15L for 13 min. It works and could be a fun way to earn a few lindens.

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